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Language: Haskell .
Haskell library for the Microsoft Language Server Protocol
Haskell library for the Microsoft Language Server Protocol. It currently implements all of the 3.15 specification.
It is split into three separate packages, lsp
, lsp-types
, and lsp-test
provides type-safe definitions that match up with the typescript definitions laid out in the specification -
is a library for building language servers, handling:- JSON-RPC transport
- Keeping track of the document state in memory with the Virtual File System (VFS)
- Responding to notifications and requests via handlers
- Setting the server capabilities in the initialize request based on registered handlers
- Dynamic registration of capabilities
- Cancellable requests and progress notifications
- Publishing and flushing of diagnostics
is a functional testing framework for Language Server Protocol servers.
Language servers built on lsp
Example language servers
There are two example language servers in the lsp/example/
folder. Simple.hs
provides a minimal example:
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Language.LSP.Protocol.Message
import Language.LSP.Protocol.Types
import Language.LSP.Server
handlers :: Handlers (LspM ())
handlers =
[ notificationHandler SMethod_Initialized $ \_not -> do
let params =
"Turn on code lenses?"
(Just [MessageActionItem "Turn on", MessageActionItem "Don't"])
_ <- sendRequest SMethod_WindowShowMessageRequest params $ \case
Right (InL (MessageActionItem "Turn on")) -> do
let regOpts = CodeLensRegistrationOptions (InR Null) Nothing (Just False)
_ <- registerCapability mempty SMethod_TextDocumentCodeLens regOpts $ \_req responder -> do
let cmd = Command "Say hello" "lsp-hello-command" Nothing
rsp = [CodeLens (mkRange 0 0 0 100) (Just cmd) Nothing]
responder $ Right $ InL rsp
pure ()
Right _ ->
sendNotification SMethod_WindowShowMessage (ShowMessageParams MessageType_Info "Not turning on code lenses")
Left err ->
sendNotification SMethod_WindowShowMessage (ShowMessageParams MessageType_Error $ "Something went wrong!\n" <> T.pack (show err))
pure ()
, requestHandler SMethod_TextDocumentHover $ \req responder -> do
let TRequestMessage _ _ _ (HoverParams _doc pos _workDone) = req
Position _l _c' = pos
rsp = Hover (InL ms) (Just range)
ms = mkMarkdown "Hello world"
range = Range pos pos
responder (Right $ InL rsp)
main :: IO Int
main =
runServer $
{ parseConfig = const $ const $ Right ()
, onConfigChange = const $ pure ()
, defaultConfig = ()
, configSection = "demo"
, doInitialize = \env _req -> pure $ Right env
, staticHandlers = \_caps -> handlers
, interpretHandler = \env -> Iso (runLspT env) liftIO
, options = defaultOptions
Whilst Reactor.hs
shows how a reactor design can be used to handle all
requests on a separate thread, such in a way that we could then execute them on
multiple threads without blocking server communication. They can be installed
from source with
cabal install lsp-demo-simple-server lsp-demo-reactor-server
stack install :lsp-demo-simple-server :lsp-demo-reactor-server --flag haskell-lsp:demo
Examples of using lsp-test
Setting up a session
import Language.LSP.Test
main = runSession "hie" fullCaps "proj/dir" $ do
doc <- openDoc "Foo.hs" "haskell"
skipMany anyNotification
symbols <- getDocumentSymbols doc
Unit tests with HSpec
describe "diagnostics" $
it "report errors" $ runSession "hie" fullCaps "test/data" $ do
openDoc "Error.hs" "haskell"
[diag] <- waitForDiagnosticsSource "ghcmod"
liftIO $ do
diag ^. severity `shouldBe` Just DsError
diag ^. source `shouldBe` Just "ghcmod"
Replaying captured session
replaySession "hie" "test/data/renamePass"
Parsing with combinators
skipManyTill loggingNotification publishDiagnosticsNotification
count 4 (message :: Session ApplyWorkspaceEditRequest)
anyRequest <|> anyResponse
Try out the example tests in the lsp-test/example
directory with cabal test
For more examples check the Wiki, or see this introductory blog post.
Whilst writing your tests you may want to debug them to see what's going wrong.
You can set the logMessages
and logStdErr
options in SessionConfig
to see what the server is up to.
There are also corresponding environment variables so you can turn them on from the command line:
Seeing funny stuff when running lsp-test via stack? If your server is built upon Haskell tooling, keep in mind that stack sets some environment variables related to GHC, and you may want to unset them.
Useful links
Other resources
See #haskell-language-server on IRC freenode.
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haskell-library, language-server-protocol
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