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Language: Python .
This repository is based on Ultralytics/yolov5, with adjustments to enable rotate prediction boxes.
最后发布版本: v1.0 ( 2021-08-18 18:50:45)
This repository is based on Ultralytics/yolov5, with adjustments to enable rotate prediction boxes.
Section I. Description
The codes are based on Ultralytics/yolov5, and several functions are added and modified to enable rotate prediction boxes.
The modifications compared with Ultralytics/yolov5 and their brief descriptions are summarized below:
data/rotate_ucas.yaml : Exemplar UCAS-AOD dataset to test the effects of rotate boxes
data/images/UCAS-AOD : For the inference of
models/ :
3.1. class Rotate_NMS : Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS) module for Rotate Boxes
3.2. class Rotate_AutoShape : Rotate Version of Original AutoShape, input-robust polygon model wrapper for passing cv2/np/PIL/torch inputs. Includes preprocessing, inference and Rotate_NMS
3.3. class Rotate_Detections : Rotate detections class for Rotate-YOLOv5 inference results -
models/rotate_yolov5s_ucas.yaml : Configuration file of rotate yolov5s for exemplar UCAS-AOD dataset
models/ :
5.1. class Rotate_Detect : Detect head for rotate-yolov5 models with rotate box prediction
5.2. class Rotate_Model : Rotate yolov5 models with rotate box prediction -
utils/iou_cuda : CUDA extension for iou computation of polygon boxes
6.1. extensions.cpp : CUDA extension file
6.2. : CUDA code for computing iou of polygon boxes
6.3. : for building CUDA extensions module polygon_inter_union_cuda, with two functions polygon_inter_union_cuda and polygon_b_inter_union_cuda -
utils/ :
7.1. def rotate_check_anchors : Rotate version of original check_anchors
7.2. def rotate_kmean_anchors : Create kmeans-evolved anchors from rotate-enabled training dataset -
utils/ :
8.1. def polygon_random_perspective : Data augmentation for datasets with polygon boxes (augmentation effects: HSV-Hue, HSV-Saturation, HSV-Value, rotation, translation, scale, shear, perspective, flip up-down, flip left-right, mosaic, mixup)
8.2. def polygon_box_candidates : Polygon version of original box_candidates
8.3. def rotate_random_perspective : Data augmentation for datasets with rotate boxes (augmentation effects: HSV-Hue, HSV-Saturation, HSV-Value, rotation, translation, scale, shear, perspective, flip up-down, flip left-right, mosaic, mixup)
8.4. class Rotate_LoadImagesAndLabels : Rotate version of original LoadImagesAndLabels
8.5. def rotate_load_mosaic : Loads images in a 4-mosaic, with rotate boxes
8.6. def rotate_load_mosaic9 : Loads images in a 9-mosaic, with rotate boxes
8.7. def rotate_verify_image_label : Verify one image-label pair for rotate datasets
8.8. def create_dataloader : Has been modified to include rotate datasets
8.9. class Albumentations : For albumentation augmentation -
utils/ :
9.1. def xyxyxyxyn2xyxyxyxy : Convert normalized xyxyxyxy or segments into pixel xyxyxyxy or segments
9.2. def polygon_segment2box : Convert 1 segment label to 1 polygon box label
9.3. def polygon_inter_union_cpu : iou computation (polygon) with cpu
9.4. def polygon_box_iou : Compute iou of polygon boxes via cpu or cuda
9.5. def polygon_b_inter_union_cpu : iou computation (polygon) with cpu
9.6. def polygon_bbox_iou : Compute iou of polygon boxes via cpu or cuda
9.7. def polygon_nms_kernel : Non maximum suppression kernel for polygon-enabled boxes
9.8. def order_corners : Return sorted corners
9.9. def xywhrm2xyxyxyxy : Convert rotate xywhrm into xyxyxyxy, suitable for both pixel-level or normalized
9.10. def xyxyxyxy2xywhrm : Convert xyxyxyxy into rotate xywhrm, suitable for both pixel-level and normalized
9.11. def xywhn2xywh : Convert normalized xywh into pixel xywh
9.12. def rotate_segments2boxes : Convert segment labels to rotate box labels, i.e. (xy1, xy2, ...) to rotated boxes (x, y, w, h, re, im)
9.13. def rotate_scale_coords : Rescale coords (x, y, w, h, re, im) from img1_shape to img0_shape
9.14. def rotate_box_iou : Compute iou of rotate boxes via cpu or cuda
9.15. def rotate_bbox_iou : Compute iou of rotated boxes for class Rotate_ComputeLoss in via cpu or cuda
9.16. def rotate_non_max_suppression : Runs Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS) on inference results for rotated boxes -
utils/ :
10.1. class Rotate_ComputeLoss : Compute loss for rotate boxes -
utils/ :
11.1. class Rotate_ConfusionMatrix : Rotate version of original ConfusionMatrix -
utils/ :
12.1. def polygon_plot_one_box : Plot one polygon box on image
12.2. def polygon_plot_one_box_PIL : Plot one polygon box on image via PIL
12.3. def polygon_plot_images : Polygon version of original plot_images
12.4. def rotate_plot_one_box : Plot one rotate box on image
12.5. def rotate_plot_one_box_PIL : Plot one rotate box on image via PIL
12.6. def rotate_output_to_target : Convert model output format [x, y, w, h, re, im, conf, class_id] to target format [batch_id, class_id, x, y, w, h, re, im, conf]
12.7. def rotate_plot_images : Rotate version of original plot_images
12.8. def rotate_plot_test_txt : Rotate version of original plot_test_txt
12.9. def rotate_plot_targets_txt : Rotate version of original plot_targets_txt
12.10. def rotate_plot_labels : Rotate version of original plot_labels - : For training rotate-yolov5 models
- : For testing rotate-yolov5 models
- : For detecting rotate-yolov5 models
- : Added python model shapely
Section II. How Does Rotate Boxes Work? How Does Rotate Boxes Different from Polygon Boxes?
- Comparisons between Rotate-Yolov5 and Polygon-Yolov5
2. Model Head of Rotate-Yolov5
3. Illustration of Box Loss of Rotated Boxes
Section III. Installation
For the CUDA extension to be successfully built without error, please use CUDA version >= 11.2. The codes have been verified in Ubuntu 16.04 with Tesla K80 GPU.
# The following codes install CUDA 11.2 from scratch on Ubuntu 16.04, if you have installed it, please ignore
# If you are using other versions of systems, please check
# Install Ubuntu kernel head
sudo apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
# Pinning CUDA repo
sudo mv /etc/apt/preferences.d/cuda-repository-pin-600
# Add CUDA GPG key
sudo apt-key adv --fetch-keys
# Setting up CUDA repo
sudo add-apt-repository "deb /"
# Refresh apt repositories
sudo apt update
# Installing CUDA 11.2
sudo apt install cuda-11-2 -y
sudo apt install cuda-toolkit-11-2 -y
# Setting up path
echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-11.2/bin${PATH:+:${PATH}}' >> $HOME/.bashrc
# You are done installing CUDA 11.2
# Check NVIDIA
# Update all apts
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade
# Begin installing python 3.7
curl -o ~/ -O
chmod +x ~/
./ -b
echo "PATH=~/miniconda3/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
conda install -y python=3.7
# You are done installing python
The following codes set you up with the Rotate Yolov5.
# clone git repo
git clone
cd RotateObjectDetection/rotate-yolov5
# install python package requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
# install CUDA extensions
cd utils/iou_cuda
python install
# cd back to rotate-yolov5 folder
cd .. && cd ..
Section IV. Rotate-Tutorial 1: Deploy the Rotate Yolov5s
Try Rotate Yolov5s Model by Following Rotate-Tutorial 1
$ python --weights --img 1024 --conf 0.75 \ --source data/images/UCAS-AOD --iou-thres 0.4 --hide-labels
$ python --weights --data rotate_ucas.yaml \ --img 1024 --iou 0.65 --task val
$ python --weights --cfg rotate_yolov5s_ucas.yaml \ --data rotate_ucas.yaml --hyp hyp.ucas.yaml --img-size 1024 \ --epochs 3 --batch-size 12 --noautoanchor --rotate --cache
4.1. Confusion Matrix
Section V. Rotate-Tutorial 2: Transform COCO Dataset to Rotate Labels Using Segmentation
Transform COCO Dataset to Rotate Labels by Following Rotate-Tutorial 2
Section VI. References
最近版本更新:(数据更新于 2024-09-03 05:19:48)
2021-08-18 18:50:45 v1.0
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