版本发布时间: 2023-03-03 20:21:30
element-plus/element-plus最新发布版本:2.9.3(2025-01-10 22:22:10)
- Components [tree-v2] add item-size attribute (#11522 by @btea)
Bug fixes
Theme-chalk [upload] wrong hover style when disabled (#11635 by @wonderl17)
Components [input-number] prevent input wheel events (#11677 by @Mario34)
Components [tooltip] display tooltip correctly (#11643 by @acyza)
Components [autocomplete] clearable and disabled props not working (#11714 by @richex-cn)
Docs [search] fix navigate error when enter pressed (#11718 by @wonderl17)
Components adjust menu close api (#11682 by @chenxch)
Components [select] fix the hoverIndex display error (#11297 by @btea)
Components [tabs] add deep attribute to watch (#11724 by @tolking)
Components [select] add popper-options prop (#11734 by @ryuhangyeong)
Components [select] support custom height (#10840 by @MrWeilian) (#10847)
Components [tabs] tab-bar need to adapt to tabs width change (#11731 by @godxiaoji)
Components [autocomplete] the blur event is not triggered (#10091 by @tolking)
Components circular referencing issue (#11777 by @jw-foss)
Theme-chalk [tab] correct padding of card item on hover (#11283 by @makedopamine)
Components [slider] remove useless code (#11681 by @Geekhyt)
Tokens - [form] (#11743 by @jw-foss)
Components [config-provider] (#11749 by @jw-foss)
Tooltip replace any to OnlyChildExpose (#11660 by @Lck6de1p)
Project removing packages/tokens (#11769 by @jw-foss)
Components [color-picker] alpha-slider (#10332 by @jw-foss)
Components [steps] (#10427 by @Simon-He95)
Chore(components): [table] fix table config typo (#11700 by @wonderl17)
Style(components): [breadcrumb] item use inline-flex (#11683 by @chenxch)