版本发布时间: 2022-11-19 05:06:39
lapce/lapce最新发布版本:nightly(2025-01-18 08:48:25)
- #1700: Add prisma syntax and highlighting
- #1702: Improved svelte treesitter queries
- #1690: Add codelens and sticky headers for Dart
- #1711: Add zstd support for plugin
- #1715: Add support for requests from plugins
Bug Fixes
1、 Lapce-linux.tar.gz 19.46MB
2、 Lapce-macos.dmg 43.81MB
3、 lapce-proxy-darwin-aarch64.gz 7.05MB
4、 lapce-proxy-darwin-x86_64.gz 7.61MB
5、 lapce-proxy-linux-aarch64.gz 5.96MB
6、 lapce-proxy-linux-x86_64.gz 6.57MB
7、 lapce-proxy-windows-x86_64.gz 6.44MB
8、 Lapce-windows-portable.zip 17.29MB
9、 Lapce-windows.msi 17.79MB