版本发布时间: 2025-01-17 13:44:48
danieljprice/phantom最新发布版本:v2025.0.0(2025-01-17 13:44:48)
v2025.0.0 - 17th Jan 2025
- Adaptive Particle Refinement implemented in phantom (Nealon & Price 2025; #595)
- 4th order Forward Symplectic Integrator now used by default instead of Leapfrog for sink particles and gravitational dynamics (thanks to Yann Bernard; #523, #539, #564, #601)
- Regularisation and slow down methods implemented for sink-sink interactions (thanks to Yann Bernard; #536, #583)
- New star cluster formation prescription drawing from initial mass function (thanks to Yann Bernard; #548, #577)
- New prescription for stellar feedback due to HII region expansion (thanks to Yann Bernard; #577)
- New porosity evolution module for dust growth (Michoulier, Gonzalez & Price 2024; #526)
- Added surface force on sink particles from Ayliffe & Bate 2010 (thanks to Rebecca Martin, #568)
- Added tracking/accounting of accreted energy (i.e. negative energy removed by deleting particles) to .ev file (#552)
- New injection module for infall-driven self gravitating discs (thanks to Cristiano Longarini; #553, #554)
- Ability to use tabulated metric independently of Einstein Toolkit (thanks to David Bamba; #572)
- Updated coupling between Phantom and KROME (thanks to Mats Esseldeurs; #510)
- Tillotson equation of state for asteroids and other solar system bodies (thanks to Amber Tilly; #609)
- ability to use sink particles in GR (thanks to Megha Sharma; #608)
- Bug fix with exact cooling integration scheme (thanks to Chris Russell; #585, #588)
- Bug fix with very slow simulations due to sink particles failing to accrete (thanks to Chris Russell and Yann Bernard; #588, #589)
- Bug fix with timestep controls in MHD causing unnecessarily short time steps (thanks to Hugh Griffiths; #537)
- Bug fixes and better tests added for sink particles in external potentials, Chinese coin problem from Phantom paper now run automatically in the testsuite (#535)
- Bug fixes with iorig array used to track unique particle IDs (thanks to Mats Esseldeurs; #509)
- Bug fix with corotating frame (thanks to Mike Lau; #563, #562)
- Bug fix with calculation of gamma in dust nucleation (thanks to Lionel Siess; #533)
- Bug fix with failure to converge on density after splitting a dump (thanks to Christophe Pinte; #517)
- can now enter star and orbital quantities in .setup file in arbitrary units (#600)
- improved/more robust reading of MESA data files for setting up stars (thanks to Ryosuke Hirai; #605, #607)
- new setup for mass transfer simulations (thanks to Ana Juarez; #561)
- improved windtunnel setup (thanks to Mike Lau; #597)
- improved setup for discs around black holes (SETUP=grdisc), with ability to add sink particles/stars on arbitrary orbits around the black hole (#545)
- issues with grdisc setup fixed (thanks to Ariel Chitan; #571)
- improved solar system setup (SETUP=solarsystem), including new add_body routine to add solar system bodies individually (#609)
- bug fixes and improvements in set_star routines (with thanks to Mike Lau; #495, #592, #596)
- SETUP=asteroidwind is now randomwind, can input Mdot in either g/s or Msun/yr (thanks to Rebecca Nealon, Madeline Overton and Shunquan Huang; #463, #566, #578)
- setup and link against KROME library is now checked in github actions workflow (#489)
Analysis/moddump utilities
- new moddump to inject particles from one simulation into another (Hu et al. 2025, submitted; #503)
- various updates to common envelope analysis module (thanks to Mike Lau; #541, #591)
- new moddump that converts a non-radiative dump to a radiative dump (#525)
- updated analysis module for analysing self-gravitating disc stresses (thanks to Cristiano Longarini; #556)
- SYSTEM=ifx option for compiling with new intel compiler (thanks to Lionel Siess; #559)
- all required datafiles now permanently archived and automatically downloaded from Zenodo, rather than a personal web page (#580)
- better testing of all equations of state in the test suite (#528)
- use isink=1 by default if isink is not already set when using ieos=6 / locally isothermal centred on sink (thanks to Kateryna Andrych)
- better testing of options in star setups, testsuite now automatically checks all values of iprofile
- compatibility issues with Shamrock fixed (#518)
- better documentation on stellar relaxation (thanks to Chunliang Mu; #504)
- issue with software license fixed (#473)
- improved documentation on how to archive your data
1、 phantom-v2025.0.0.tar.gz 11.53MB