版本发布时间: 2024-12-16 15:06:12
Tencent/spring-cloud-tencent最新发布版本: 17:13:19)
Dependency Version
- Spring Cloud Tencent:
- Spring Cloud: 2020.0.6
- Spring Boot: 2.4.13
- Spring Framework: 5.3.25
Full Changelog
Features / Enhancements
- feat:add zero protection. #1386
- feat:add Tencent Cloud TSF support. #1391
- feat:support consul service update task. #1397
- refactor:update registry status. #1487
- refactor:let the configuration SDK context stand alone. #1383
- feat:support consul config. #1394
- feat:support consul config data. #1401
- feat: support lane router #1378
- feat: add polaris router lane examples #1379
- fix:fix nearby router properties loading bug. #1381
- fix: gramma issues for lane router example & optimize the gateway dependency #1382
- feat:support TSF router. #1403
- feat:upgrade nearby router and add namespace nearby router. #1404
- feat:support concurrency rate limit. #1457
Circuit Breaker
- feat:upgrade api circuit breaker. #1441
- feat:support auth. #1461
- fix:fix auth not effected bug. #1465
- fix:fix app starting failed when user using custom OpenAPI bean. #1398
- fix:fix contract reporting bug when using TSF. #1406
- feat: support lossless online/offline #1377
- fix: fix the lossless provider override in multiple registries scenario #1380
- fix: fix lossless deregister failed when no health-check configured #1385
- fix:fix no registry when lossless is disabled. #1388
- feat: add trace report support #1396
- feat: support tsf trace demo & remove client span attributes #1402
- feat: support lossless config from console & support warmup. #1452
- feat:add admin http handler. #1453
- feat:upgrade trace plugin. #1469
- feat:support smooth upgrade from tsf. #1473
- fix:fix caller disposable metadata handle when using tracing. #1477
- fix:add warn log to ApplicationContextAwareUtils. #1296
- fix: fix RouterLabelRestTemplateInterceptor add response headers exception with httpclient5 #1376
- fix:fix the ratelimit bug #1389
- fix: memory cost too many when using wildcard feign calls #1400
- fix: fix PolarisCircuitBreakerConfiguration not clear when gateway invoke by wildcard apis #1425
- fix:fix actuator name warning from #1428 . #1432
Docs / Project
- feat:upgrade jackson version. #1258
- feat:upgrade jacoco version. #1307
Thanks to the contributors who participated in this release!
@SkyeBeFreeman @gzoldou @shedfreewu @andrewshan @fredrikliu @fuyuwei01
How to upgrade
This version is compatible version from the previous corresponding version, so just upgrade spring-cloud-tencent-dependencies version to it. If you need to change the Spring Cloud version, please refer to the documentation Version Management to modify other related dependent versions synchronously.