版本发布时间: 2024-10-18 19:16:11
pocketbase/pocketbase最新发布版本:v0.23.5(2024-12-08 20:25:38)
[!CAUTION] This is a prerelease intended for test and experimental purposes only!
Register the default panic-recover middleware after the activity logger so that we can log the error.
Updated the
FormData type inferring rules to convert numeric strings into float64 only if the resulting minimal number string representation matches the initial FormData string value (#5687). -
Fixed the JSVM types to include properly generated function declarations when the related Go functions have shortened/combined return values.
Reorganized the record table fields<->columns syncing to remove the
PRAGMA writable_schema
1、 checksums.txt 734B
2、 pocketbase_0.23.0-rc7_darwin_amd64.zip 14.13MB
3、 pocketbase_0.23.0-rc7_darwin_arm64.zip 13.5MB
4、 pocketbase_0.23.0-rc7_linux_amd64.zip 13.88MB
5、 pocketbase_0.23.0-rc7_linux_arm64.zip 12.92MB
6、 pocketbase_0.23.0-rc7_linux_armv7.zip 12.97MB
7、 pocketbase_0.23.0-rc7_windows_amd64.zip 14.2MB
8、 pocketbase_0.23.0-rc7_windows_arm64.zip 13.03MB