版本发布时间: 2024-09-20 23:12:17
apache/incubator-seata最新发布版本:v2.3.0(2025-01-17 17:46:39)
Apache Seata(incubating) 2.2.0 Released.
Apache Seata(incubating) is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.
Download https://seata.apache.org/unversioned/download/seata-server
The version is updated as follows:
- [#6536] support naming server client
- [#6226] multi-version seata protocol support
- [#6537] support Namingserver
- [#6538] Integration of naming server on the Seata server side
- [#6766] add TCC three-phase hooks
- [#6592] fix @Async annotation not working in ClusterWatcherManager
- [#6624] fix Alibaba Dubbo convert error
- [#6627] fix the issue of xaEnded not being reset
- [#6626] fix hsf ConsumerModel convert error
- [#6816] Fix NPE when getting branchType in a non-global transaction context
- [#6642] codecov token not found
- [#6661] fix
cache scheduled refresh issue - [#6486] fix mysql undo log update sql data more than max allowed packet
- [#6668] thread safety issue when adding and removing instances
- [#6678] fix the same record has different lowkeys due to mixed case of table names yesterday
- [#6697] v0 ByteBuf should not decode by super class
- [#6707] fix readonly branch commit errors in Oracle XA transactions
- [#6711] fix dameng rollback info un compress fail
- [#6714] fix dameng delete undo fail
- [#6511] fix the failure of rollbacking back of the delete SQL at AT mode when using SQLServer
- [#6701] fix support serialization for dm.jdbc.driver.DmdbTimestamp
- [#6757] the bug where multiple nodes cannot be retrieved from the naming server
- [#6769] fix tcc fence deadLock
- [#6778] fix namingserver node term
- [#6765] fix MySQL driver loading by replacing custom classloader with system classloader for better compatibility and simplified process
- [#6781] the issue where the TC occasionally fails to go offline from the NamingServer
- [#6785] fix prometheus fail to return seata metrics data when using Nacos
- [#6797] fall back to any of available cluster address when query cluster address is empty
- [#6800] make exception message generic for all database drivers
- [#6759] fix the error of active refresh failure of cross-database table metadata
- [#6812] bugfix: change group and node offline status are not pushed in real time
- [#6817] bugfix: fix namingserver changVgroup failed
- [#6820] Fix file path error in the Dockerfile
- [#6825] Fix the issue of XA mode transaction timeout and inability to roll back in Postgres
- [#6833] SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException capture incorrectly when inserting a globallock
- [#6835] Fix the issue of missing request body of post method in HttpClientUtil
- [#6845] fix rocksDB opens the same file multiple times
- [#6840] Fix the issue of unsafe deserialization in ProcessorYaml.java
- [#6843] Fix 403 error when sending a POST request from the console
- [#6850] raft mode is backward compatible with version 2.0
- [#6855] after scaling down a Raft cluster, the metadata still contains the removed node
- [#6859] remove duplicated dependency in pom
- [#6499] split the task thread pool for committing and rollbacking statuses
- [#6208] optimize : load SeataSerializer by version
- [#6209] Eliminate RpcMessage and Encoder/Decoder dependencies
- [#6634] select channel handles based on protocol versions
- [#6523] upgrade alibaba/druid version to 1.2.20
- [#6566] Add support for configuring exposeProxy in GlobalTransactionScanner
- [#6534] optimize: send async response
- [#6640] modify codecov config
- [#6640] add license header
- [#6666] add ExceptionUtil class for unwarp error msg
- [#6654] add Namingserver package module
- [#6667] optimize Namingserver log output
- [#6687] delete static code built on the frontend
- [#6700] remove sdk version checking
- [#6727] deserialize performance optimize
- [#6732] add the default console and security config on application.example.yml and application.raft.example.yml
- [#6651] add license header for proto file
- [#6653] optimize multiple licenses and remove license urls
- [#6655] update front-end license
- [#6652] add license header for spring config file
- [#6674] update source license
- [#6650] add license header for SPI file
- [#6741] upgrade tomcat-embed-core to 9.0.90
- [#6742] upgrade npmjs version in console
- [#6743] upgrade npmjs version in saga
- [#6746] optimize compatible dependencies
- [#6745] fix node-gyp build error on arm64 and macos
- [#6749] optimize WebSecurityConfig csrf
- [#6748] optimize ConsistentHashLoadBalance Algorithm
- [#6747] optimize fastjson deserialization
- [#6755] optimize namingserver code logic
- [#6763] optimize NacosConfiguration singleton reload
- [#6761] optimize the namingserver code to improve readability
- [#6768] report the tcc fence transaction isolation level
- [#6770] Automatic deletion of namingserver vgroup through Caffeine map
- [#6780] optimize the reflection operation in class
- [#6784] upgrade axios to 1.7.4
- [#6787] upgrade elliptic to 6.5.7
- [#6783] rename the server naming/v1 api to vgroup/v1
- [#6793] fix npmjs conflicts
- [#6793] optimize the initialization logic for server meta
- [#6794] optimize NacosMockTest UT case
- [#6806] optimize
cache scheduled refresh issue - [#6808] change version to 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT
- [#6819] merge the packaging processes of namingserver and seata-server
- [#6827] rename namingserver registry type
- [#6836] add independent nacos for the CI process
- [#6841] update the LICENSE and NOTICE files and standardize dependency versions
- [#6823] fix typo
- [#6779] use curator instead of zkclient in config model
- [#6831] use curator instead of zkclient in registry model
- [#6852] optimize raft metadata api
- [#6863] update NOTICE.md
- [#6533] increase integration-tx-api module unit test coverage
- [#6608] add unit test for sql-parser-core
- [#6647] improve the test case coverage of saga module to 70%
- [#6695] old version(< 0.7.1) client test case for multi-version protocol
- [#6752] Improve the test case coverage of metrics module
- [#6764] add Apollo mock test case
- [#6750] increase spring autoconfigure module unit test converage
- [#6773] fix the wrong code coverage from codecov icon in default branch
- [#6821] fix the test case assertions
- [#6803] optimize: compilation and packaging for the ARM64 architecture
Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.
- slievrly
- tuwenlin
- YeonCheolGit
- liuqiufeng
- God-Gan
- Bughue
- funky-eyes
- tanyaofei
- traitsisgiorgos
- wanghongzhou
- ggbocoder
- azatyamanaev
- xjlgod
- xingfudeshi
- wuwen5
- jsbxyyx
- iAmClever
- GoodBoyCoder
- liuqiufeng
- caohdgege
- TakeActionNow2019
- imashimaro
- lyl2008dsg
- lightClouds917
- l81893521
- laywin
- xiaoxiangyeyu0
- LegGasai
- yangli-stu
- heliang666s
Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.