版本发布时间: 2024-08-27 03:53:28
nrwl/nx最新发布版本:19.6.5(2024-09-04 01:21:22)
19.6.3 (2024-08-26)
🚀 Features
- core: expose graph json type (#27496)
🩹 Fixes
- angular: ensure target default for '@nx/angular:webpack-browser' is set #26483 (#27616, #26483)
- bundling: update snapshots for copy assets plugin (#27610)
- core: enable using the daemon in docker if enabled explicitly (#27585)
- core: ensure file watcher is looking for correct config on windows (#27594)
- core: change order of CI providers to match their popularity (#27623)
- core: not parse hex to number (#27515)
- core: nx migrate should determine angular devkit migration from cli or schematics #20282 (#27634, #20282)
- expo: add expoLibraryGenerator to export (#27520)
- js: fix verdaccio windows for registry (#27350)
- react: tailwind with rspack should work on generation #27028 (#27619, #27028)
- react-native: remove upgrade command in migration (#27467)
- webpack: add migration for proxy config (#27621)
❤️ Thank You
- Colum Ferry @Coly010
- Emily Xiong @xiongemi
- Jack Hsu @jaysoo
- Jason Jean @FrozenPandaz
- MaxKless @MaxKless
- Paweł Twardziak @paweltwardziak