版本发布时间: 2019-04-30 16:45:55
apache/incubator-seata最新发布版本:v2.3.0(2025-01-17 17:46:39)
- [#774] support Etcd3 registration center
- [#793] support sofa-registry registration center
- [#856] add batch delete undolog processing
- [#786] support for branch transaction concurrency in global transactions
- [#945] add the releaseLock method in the LockManager interface to optimize the calling logic
- [#879] fix when batch delete undolog,the preparedStatement does not close
- [#921] fix NPE exception when select for update
- [#907] fix hostname can't be null exception
- [#923] fix the problem that the key is not formatted when the nettyClientKeyPool connection is destroyed.
- [#891] fix the NPE exception when using select union all
- [#888] fix copyright checkstyle verification
- [#901] fix parent node path does not exist when Zookeeper is registered
- [#866] fix unable to generate dubbo:reference proxy class
- [#877] fix concurrentModifyException when batch deleting undolog
- [#875] fix select for update, Boolean cast ResultSet failed
- [#830] fix RM late registration problem
- [#872] fix RegisterRMRequest decoding message length check is not accurate
- [#834] fix non-SQLException in ExecuteTemplate does not throw a exception
- [#938] optimize the TransactionManager service loading logic
- [#913] optimize the module structure of the RPC integration framework
- [#795] optimize the performance of server node write files
- [#925] optimize the same DefaultCoordinator instance when the server starts
- [#930] optimize field access modifiers
- [#904] optimize updated data query logic in UpdateExecutort
- [#802] optimize checkstyle and add plugins
- [#855] optimize the globalCommit always returns committed to the user in AT mode
- [#831] optimize CountDownLatch in MessageFuture and replace it with CompletableFuture
- [#882] modify copyright, add copyright automatic plugin
- [#874] add the communication default configuration value
1、 seata-server-0.5.1.tar.gz 29.37MB
2、 seata-server-0.5.1.zip 29.35MB