版本发布时间: 2024-07-01 12:33:47
taosdata/TDengine最新发布版本:ver- 16:27:47)
New Features/Improvements
- alter table add column can support encode and compress parameters
- Configuration parameter supportVnodes can be changed dynamically using alter command
- Minimize the impact on read/write by compact operation
- Adjust the default value of supportVnodes to 2*Cores+5
- lossyColumnn parameter is obsoleted
- Support specifying ENCODE and COMPRESS when adding columns to existing table
- Update SupportVnodes on the fly
- Support CentOS Stream
New Features/Improvements (Enterprise only)
- balance vgroup leader can be performed on a database (Enterprise only)
- Each mount point in multi-level storage can be configured as allowing new file or not (Enterprise only)
- Speed control can be set for cross-level data transfer
- IP white list can be adjusted dynamically
- New user doesn't have privilege to create database by default
- Optimized process of configuring key for database encryption
- Data compression for data transfer between TDengine 2.x and 3.x
- Data transfer from Oracle to TDengine
- Data transfer from SQL Server to TDengine
- OPC UA data points can be found and added in data in tasks dynamically
- Pi backfill task can be paused and resumed
- Pi backfill can work with data transformation
- Performance and stability improvement for Pi data in tasks
- VARBINARY and GEOMETRY data types can be used when creating tables in taos-explorer
- User can transfer user/password and privilege data between TDengine clusters using taos-explorer
- Pi data transfer supports newly added assets of an element
- taos-explorer can use native connection for the sink TDengine
- GSSAPI support for Kafka connector
- MQTT tasks can obtain sample data from the data source
- Object array support in MQTT data
- Data parsing with custom scripts
- Dynamic data filtering with plugins
Fixed Bugs
- metadata broken by TSMA
- count(*) result is wrong when filtering by supertable tags or where conditions
- The output precision is wrong of function to_iso8601()
- taosd exit abnormally because of querying first() and last() together with interval() and fill()
- Deleting a consumer group of one topic caused consumption failure of another consumer group of same name for another topic
- Column index of STMT binding over boundary caused taosd exited abnormally
- Only one parameter is changed successfully when altering multiple parameters for a table
- Union caused taosd hang when the leader is switched frequently
- Cast() caused taosd exited abnormally
- count window and sliding caused taosd exited abnormally
- Performance downgrade of group by tbname
- Other fixing for known bugs