版本发布时间: 2024-06-15 21:31:26
apache/incubator-seata最新发布版本:v2.3.0(2025-01-17 17:46:39)
Apache Seata(incubating) 2.1.0 Released.
Apache Seata(incubating) is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.
The version is updated as follows:
- [#6230] support RocketMQ transaction message
- [#6370] saga is decoupled from Spring dependencies
- [#6205] support mock server
- [#6169] full support for states in the refactored state machine designer
- [#6326] support raft node metadata sync
- [#6415] support autolayout in seata-statemachine-designer
- [#6090] fix the TCC aspect exception handling process, do not wrapping the internal call exceptions
- [#6075] fix missing table alias for on update column of image SQL
- [#6086] fix oracle column alias cannot find
- [#6085] fix jdk9+ compile error
- [#6101] fix the consumer can't generate tcc proxy in dubbo 3.x version
- [#6077] fix could not rollback when table with multiple primary
- [#6121] fix the branch transaction order error when rolling back
- [#6182] fix guava-32.0.0-jre.jar zip file is empty in ci
- [#6196] fix asf config file format error
- [#6143] gracefully shut down the server
- [#6204] fix the problem that The incorrect configuration needs to be fixed
- [#6248] fix JDBC resultSet, statement, connection closing order
- [#6261] AT mode support the URL of a PGSQL cluster
- [#6256] fix raft-discovery cannot read registry configuration for seata-all sdk
- [#6232] convert to utf8mb4 if mysql column is json type
- [#6278] fix ProtocolV1SerializerTest failed
- [#6324] fix Parse protocol file failed
- [#6331] fixed the problem that TCC nested transactions cannot add TwoPhaseBusinessAction and GlobalTransactional annotations at the same time
- [#6354] fix dynamic degradation does not work properly
- [#6363] fix known problems of docker image
- [#6372] fix initializing the sql file postgresql.sql index name conflict
- [#6380] fix sql exception when checking for the existence of the UNDO_LOG table on SQL server
- [#6385] fix the bug where Role.participant does not execute hooks but clears them.
- [#6465] fix(6257): fix saga mode replay context lost start in 2.x
- [#6469] fix Error in insert sql of [lock_table] data table to sqlserver database
- [#6496] fix XA did not rollback but close when executing a long-running SQL(or deadlock SQL)
- [#6493] fix SQLServer-related SQL error in seata server when using database of SQLServer
- [#6497] fix tcc properties class when autoconfigure
- [#6554] fix unfixed serializer
- [#6555] businessActionContext is compatible with io seata
- [#6553] fix saga "cannot matching status"
- [#6575] fix io.seata ActionInterceptorHandler use org.apache.seata BusinessActionContextParameter
- [#6031] add a check for the existence of the undolog table
- [#6089] modify the semantics of RaftServerFactory and remove unnecessary singleton
- [#4473] rm appdata size limit
- [#6071] add git infos to jars
- [#6042] add secure authentication to interfaces in ClusterController
- [#6091] Optimizing the method of obtaining the tc address during raft authentication
- [#6098] optimize the retry logic in the acquireMetadata method
- [#6034] using namespace from command line when deployment with helm charts
- [#6116] remove lgtm.com stuff
- [#6148] support Nacos ram role authentication
- [#6145] upgrade jettison to 1.5.4
- [#6164] redis registry push empty protection optimize
- [#6174] add ASF basic config
- [#6181] update contributing doc
- [#6179] remove @author info
- [#6176] update source header
- [#6178] update the header of Apache License
- [#6186] update README.md(update mailing list and repository urls)
- [#6184] update NOTICE file
- [#6192] remove the useless file
- [#6194] fix asf.yaml parse error
- [#5399] optimizing branch register resource only at RM server end
- [#6154] console log optimize for "kubectl logs -f"
- [#6116] rewrite NettyPoolKey's hashcode and equals to fix duplicate construction of channel object pools
- [#6195] update the url in change log to apache/incubator-seata
- [#6200] cancel required_status_checks
- [#6201] restore required_status_checks kept to remove context validation
- [#6218] remove Seata-Docker link
- [#6227] validate that the primary key is free of illegal characters
- [#6004] optimize RM TM startup connect server fail fast
- [#6243] optimize links in the console header
- [#6238] optimize some files
- [#6239] update security policy, disclaimer and notice
- [#6245] in file mode, the configuration in the application takes effect, when the spring configuration in the configuration center is changed
- [#6247] optimize asf.yml
- [#6259] modify error message which is global session size more than config
- [#6264] fix jib-maven-plugin build failed
- [#6246] build the frontend at the same time as the maven build
- [#6268] optimize outdate npmjs dependencies in console
- [#6271] unifty the git information
- [#6265] optimization fails to build frontend on arm64
- [#6267] add Server deserialization validation
- [#6275] optimize the label's format in .asf.yaml
- [#6291] seata-server is developed in idea and console support output logs
- [#6283] add a compatible module to support io.seata APIs
- [#6294] split the frontend resource build process into separate profiles
- [#6285] optimize time query conditions in the console
- [#6297] fix problem of
- [#6298] repackage name to org.apache.seata
- [#6302] add io.seata package shade
- [#6306] replace some URL to org/apache/seata
- [#6304] disable Publish OSSRH workflow
- [#6310] seata-server compatible io.seata package
- [#6301] upgrade console frontend dependencies and supported nodejs versions
- [#6301] add saga related io.seata compatible api
- [#6313] console display the version number
- [#6315] compatible with lower versions of SPI
- [#6327] compatible with integration.http and integration.http.Jakarta
- [#6328] compatible with integration.grpc
- [#6330] remove mariadb API
- [#6329] add saga subcomponent-level io.seata compatible api
- [#6254] optimize Hessian Serialize
- [#6332] remove mysql dependency from the distribution package
- [#6343] compatible with tm module and rm-datasource module
- [#6357] optimize serialization/deserialization of protocol codec
- [#6345] compatible with tcc module
- [#6356] remove authentication from the health check page
- [#6360] optimize 401 issues for some links
- [#6366] optimized globaltransaction compatibility issues
- [#6369] optimize arm64 ci
- [#6386] replace
to JDK proxy inConfigurationCache
- [#6391] forbid duplicate registration of TCC resources
- [#6393] determine the version before sync metadata and add retry mechanism
- [#6387] optimize tcc use compatible
- [#6402] optimize rm-datasource use compatible
- [#6403] optimize config compatible module
- [#6419] optimize integration-tx-api compatible
- [#6427] support spi、saga、spring module compatible
- [#6442] clarify if conditions
- [#6487] fix typo and package name
- [#6442] clarify if conditions
- [#6405] fix kotlin compile failure
- [#6412] optimize core compatible module
- [#6429] remove repetitive words
- [#6518] optimize ConfigurationCache proxy method
- [#6458] add null value check for MAC address
- [#6516] optimize code format
- [#6529] optimize release maven plugin
- [#6539] add subcomponents license
- [#6540] exclude com.google.guava:listenablefuture
- [#6541] change version to
- [#6548] upgrade the byte-buddy version to 1.14.15
- [#6549] macos workflow support arm testing
- [#6558] remove mysql-connector-java from pom.xml
- [#6570] add notice file to binary
- [#6576] remove oracle datatype parser
- [#6578] registry.conf supplemented raft configuration
- [#6583] optimize the default compilation to be independent of the Git Env
- [#6585] optimize compatible module pom.xml
- [#6597] remove binary from source code
- [#6605] revised the license and notice
- [#6609] revised the notice file
- [#6610] revised the notice file
- [#6069] Upgrade Guava dependencies to fix security vulnerabilities
- [#6145] upgrade jettison to 1.5.4
- [#6144] upgrade nacos client to 1.4.6
- [#6147] upgrade kafka-clients to 3.6.1
- [#6339] upgrade spring mvc and tomcat.embed
- [#6340] upgrade and tidy some dependencies
- [#6350] remove enableDegrade properties
- [#6349] transfer dockerhub repo
- [#6362] upgrade Spring related dependence
- [#6375] override console nested dependencies
- [#6081] add
for testing the OS - [#6125] unbind xid in TransactionTemplateTest
- [#6157] increase common module unit test coverage
- [#6250] increase seata-core module unit test coverage
- [#6325] fix mockServerTest fail cause using same port with seata-server
- [#6430] increase common module unit test coverage
- [#6456] adjust the test cases related to dynamic configuration
- [#6466] support redis integration testing
- [#6484] fix FileConfigurationTest and MockServerTest fail
- [#6545] fix TestConfigCustomSPI compatibility test fail
- [#6560] fix mock-server test, do not shutdown in Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook
- [#6565] fix testCompensationStateMachine fail
- [#6280] refactor Saga designer using diagram-js
- [#6269] standardize Seata Exception
- [#6420] refactor Configuration Cache
Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.
- slievrly
- ptyin
- laywin
- imcmai
- DroidEye2ONGU
- funky-eyes
- Bughue
- wangliang181230
- ggbocoder
- leezongjie
- l81893521
- baiyangtx
- lightClouds917
- xingfudeshi
- PleaseGiveMeTheCoke
- sunrui1225
- PeppaO
- AlbumenJ
- dreamskyvision
- jsbxyyx
- liuqiufeng
- saberyjs
- gggyd123
- jonasHanhan
- Code-breaker1998
- yixia
- MikhailNavitski
- deung
- tanyaofei
- xjlgod
- TakeActionNow2019
- sunxunle
- bageyang
Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.