版本发布时间: 2024-06-01 15:54:20
unocss/unocss最新发布版本:v0.62.3(2024-08-25 00:07:32)
🚀 Features
- Nuxt layers support - by @enkot in https://github.com/unocss/unocss/issues/3838 (d6bd8)
- eslint-plugin: Blocklist message function - by @enkot and Chris in https://github.com/unocss/unocss/issues/3854 (9fe90)
- preset-mini: Support max - by @Simon-He95 [(min a)](https://github.com/unocss/unocss/commit/min arbitrary values for responsive (#3831))
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Prepare for new type in vite 6.0 - by @antfu (e66b1)
- annotation: Prefix hoverMessage & autocomplete - by @Simon-He95 and @antfu in https://github.com/unocss/unocss/issues/3849 (68e65)
- directives: Correctly parse colons in directives - by @antfu (9bce9)
- vite: Using astro integration in vitest causes hangs - by @Dunqing in https://github.com/unocss/unocss/issues/3851 (51c60)