版本发布时间: 2024-05-04 13:45:15
umami-software/umami最新发布版本:v2.13.1(2024-08-24 11:15:48)
New Team Manager role
We added a new team role called Team Manager. Users with this role will be able to edit the roles of other team members, as well as remove team members. Originally only the team owner had this ability. So now team owners can assign team management duties to another member.
- Fixed issue with creating team reports #2704
- Events chart now correctly responds to filters #2701
- Fixed UTM report not rendering #2690
- Fixed events chart displaying the wrong data #2691
- Fixed incorrect external URL #2707
- Language updates: Bosnian (new), Turkish, Chinese
Thank you
@gerardnll @ccbikai @Celil6p @ruibinch @sake92 @mobeicanyue