版本发布时间: 2024-04-22 23:53:57
tauri-apps/tauri最新发布版本:tauri-v2.2.3(2025-01-18 17:40:38)
Yarn Audit
yarn audit v1.22.22
info No lockfile found.
0 vulnerabilities found - Packages audited: 148
Done in 1.53s.
Bug Fixes
(#9166) Fixbasename(path, 'ext')
JS API when removing all occurances ofext
where it should only remove the last one. -
(#9529) Do not use JS optional chaining to prevent script errors on older webviews such as macOS 10.14.
Yarn Publish
yarn run v1.22.22
$ yarn build && cd ./dist && yarn publish --access public --loglevel silly
$ rollup -c --configPlugin typescript
[1m./src/app.ts, ./src/cli.ts, ./src/clipboard.ts, ./src/dialog.ts, ./src/event.ts, ./src/fs.ts, ./src/globalShortcut.ts, ./src/http.ts, ./src/index.ts, ./src/mocks.ts, ./src/notification.ts, ./src/os.ts, ./src/path.ts, ./src/process.ts, ./src/shell.ts, ./src/tauri.ts, ./src/updater.ts, ./src/window.ts[22m → [1m./dist, ./dist[22m...[39m
[32mcreated [1m./dist, ./dist[22m in [1m1.6s[22m[39m
[1msrc/index.ts[22m → [1m../../core/tauri/scripts/bundle.global.js[22m...[39m
[32mcreated [1m../../core/tauri/scripts/bundle.global.js[22m in [1m1.8s[22m[39m
[1/4] Bumping version...
info Current version: 1.5.4
[2/4] Logging in...
[3/4] Publishing...
success Published.
[4/4] Revoking token...
info Not revoking login token, specified via config file.
Done in 9.52s.