版本发布时间: 2024-04-14 20:05:44
KoljaB/RealtimeSTT最新发布版本:v0.3.93(2024-12-19 02:19:28)
- added parameter beam_size (int, default=5) The beam size to use for beam search decoding
- added parameter beam_size_realtime (int, default=3) The beam size to use for real-time transcription beam search decoding.
- added parameter initial_prompt (str or iterable of int, default=None) Initial prompt to be fed to the transcription models.
- added parameter suppress_tokens (list of int, default=[-1]) Tokens to be suppressed from the transcription output.
- added method set_microphone(microphone_on=True) This parameter allows dynamical switching between recording from the input device configured in RealtimeSTT and chunks injected into the processing pipeline with the feed_audio-method