版本发布时间: 2024-03-03 18:52:51
Qubic-Solutions/rqiner-builds最新发布版本:v1.1.3(2025-01-08 19:49:14)
Welcome to our EP99 rqiner CPU implementation :)
Important changes:
- The algo is no longer bound to specific instruction sets like the previous one (if there are illegal instruction errors let me know and I'll compile it for your specific CPU/x86_64-v1)
- The new algo is much more computationally expensive and thus it/s are MUCH lower
For rqiner there are now 2 options per OS/ARCH, the regular implementation that performs better but requires about 0.9 to 1.1 GB per thread and the low-memory implementation that should be suitable for systems where there is less than 1.5x more RAM than threads in GB. Alternatively both can be run in parallel to give optimal performance on high core count systems, but the reported it/s on the API will fluctuate between the 2 reported iterrates from each miner (solutions are recorded as normal). If requested I can implement a hybrid miner where you can choose how many and which threads you want to spawn.
Please note that this is a preview version and there might be changes until EP99 The preview version is fully validated and if there aren't any relevant changes it can be used for mining when the new EP starts (the pool mining function will unlock on epoch transition)
1、 rqiner-aarch64 3.61MB
2、 rqiner-aarch64-lm 3.58MB
3、 rqiner-x86 4.52MB
4、 rqiner-x86-lm 4.49MB
5、 rqiner-x86-lm.exe 3.94MB
6、 rqiner-x86.exe 3.99MB