


版本发布时间: 2024-02-04 21:48:07

tamagui/tamagui最新发布版本:v1.116.7(2024-10-24 18:09:38)


Install the CLI with yarn add @tamagui/cli and then yarn tama generate to run one-off generations for themeBuilder and outputCSS.


Tamagui now looks for a and will use the default export as the build settings for any of the plugins - Metro, Vite, or Webpack. You can customize the file with the buildFile setting.


We've extensively refactored themes into a new v3, adding new partial transparencies, removing some verbose properties, and most importantly, reducing the size of the output CSS by more than half while still retaining nearly complete compatibility.


Headless Switch is now in beta 🎉 We've also redone the documentation pages a bit so we can show all the variations easily with copy-paste examples.


Checkbox goes headless too!


Shorthands v2 just aims to fix the biggest problem in v1: making bc be borderColor, leaving bg as the only shorthand for backgroundColor.

Bug Fixes


Code Refactoring



相关地址:原始地址 下载(tar) 下载(zip)
