版本发布时间: 2023-10-13 22:21:07
K11MCH1/AdrenoToolsDrivers最新发布版本:v25.0.0_r5(2024-12-14 16:56:57)
Based on latest mesa main source v23.3.0. SHA 1f112abd
- Bump Vulkan headers/registry to 1.3.267
- Partial a7XX support.
- Support higher descriptor set count for A7XX.
- Implement A7XX push consts load via preamble.
- Fix field order in kgsl_command_object init.
- Fix stale tu_render_pass_attachment::store_stencil with dyn rendering.
- Disable preamble push consts when they are not used.
- Count a whole push consts range in constlen for PREAMBLE push consts.
- Add vk_subpass_dependency_is_fb_local().
This driver still won't work for 8+gen1 and 7+gen2 on Skyline and Yuzu. Wait for fix from Mesa or use R5 and below.
Also supports A6xx, but may contain bugs.
1、 turnip-23.3.0-A7XX.adpkg_R7.zip 1.73MB