版本发布时间: 2023-09-09 17:28:30
pocketbase/pocketbase最新发布版本:v0.23.5(2024-12-08 20:25:38)
To update the prebuilt executable you can run
./pocketbase update
Prevent breaking the record form in the Admin UI in case the browser's localStorage quota has been exceeded when uploading or storing large
field values (#3265). -
Updated docs and missing JSVM typings.
Exposed additional crypto primitives under the
JSVM namespace (#3273):// HMAC with SHA256 $security.hs256("hello", "secret") // HMAC with SHA512 $security.hs512("hello", "secret") // compare 2 strings with a constant time $security.equal(hash1, hash2)
1、 checksums.txt 706B
2、 pocketbase_0.18.2_darwin_amd64.zip 15.1MB
3、 pocketbase_0.18.2_darwin_arm64.zip 14.76MB
4、 pocketbase_0.18.2_linux_amd64.zip 14.53MB
5、 pocketbase_0.18.2_linux_arm64.zip 13.59MB
6、 pocketbase_0.18.2_linux_armv7.zip 13.8MB
7、 pocketbase_0.18.2_windows_amd64.zip 14.87MB
8、 pocketbase_0.18.2_windows_arm64.zip 13.7MB