版本发布时间: 2023-07-17 19:24:17
polarismesh/polaris-java最新发布版本: 10:41:57)
What's Changed
- fix udp UdpHealthChecker. #370
- feat:新增polaris-assembly,并对流程接口进行SPI化 #372
- fix:修复熔断指标上报数据不对问题 #373
- fix:修复registerInstance可能心跳失效问题 #374
- Fix config flow bug #380
- feat:support SnakeYAML 2.0. #381
- fix:fix reportClient not working bug when using push-gateway strategy. #386
- fix:shutdown grpc connection gracefully. #388
- add destory function to release thread pool resources #389
- fix:modify log level in SpecStreamClient. #390
- fix:optimize logging. #393
- fix:修复监控上报enable开关不生效 #394
- refactor:关闭老的ratelimit监控数据上报 #397 #398
- add support grpc method for config create update and publish #399
- feat:支持pushgateway上报开启gzip压缩 #400
- fix release ci #402
- fix:旧限流视图通过开关进行选择开启 #403 #406
- Add support for config file encryption #404
- fix:add no args constructor for DefaultConfigFileFlow. #405
- fix:add okhttp3 shading. #409
- fix rewind bug #411
- feat:add log when operating pending tasks. #412
- Feature/veterancj 968 weighted round robin balance #413
Full Changelog: https://github.com/polarismesh/polaris-java/compare/v1.12.0...v1.13.0